Monday, September 1, 2008

A Word or Two about the Photo in the Previous Post...

Let me preface this by saying that Emma is a very smart girl. She gets straight A's in school and gets them pretty easily compared to many of her peers. She's in a couple of advanced classes - two of them for high school credit and she's only in the 7th grade. I feel the need to say all of this, not to brag, but because the following little story will make you question her intelligence. But I assure you that she's not ignorant. She's just eternally literal. I could regale you with lots of stories to prove this to you but the following should more than suffice....

I knew I wanted to get a picture of my big red purse yesterday for the blog so I told Emma to, "Hurry up and get dressed so I can take a picture of you with my purse." Here's how the conversation went from there:

Emma: "How are you going to do that?"

Me: "Do what?"

Emma: "Take my picture."

Me (replying rather impatiently): "What do you mean? I'll just do it."

Emma still looks confused but doesn't say anything.

Me (again, rather impatiently): "Why do you look so confused? What are you not getting?"

Emma: "I just don't understand how your purse is going to take my picture."

Now, imagine both Emma and her dad doing that, all day long, every single day, for oh I don't know...that last DECADE!!

You can understand why I need to get away.

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