Monday, September 22, 2008

My Odd Love Affair

We went apple picking over the weekend....

I got lost in the orchard for a few minutes, but then I was found....

We met a cow.....

Her name was Buttercup....

And we fed her crabapples....

Sure, I really like apples and cows.


I LOVE pumpkins....

My love for pumpkins is an irrational love. I just have this thing about them and I've never been able to understand it. I don't even like the color orange that much in any other part of my life, but when it comes to pumpkins, their very orangeness is just so pretty. Whenever I see a pumpkin I smile. Every single time. This big goofy grin comes across my face reflexively. Either that or I laugh. I think they're funny. I love how they're shaped and all that you can do with them. I love the season they represent. I love that they come in various sizes - from teeny-tiny to absolutely humongous. I love that when you are in a sea of them at a pumpkin farm, everything that seems wrong in life goes away for a few brief minutes and you're just surrounded by pumpkin love.

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