Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I'm Almost "Done" But I'm Still Learning

I'm learning, after 17 long years of parenting, that parents don't feel guilty because they can't solve their children's problems. They feel guilty because their children have problems in the first place. If I had been a better parent, she wouldn't have this problem. If I had been a better parent, she would have more friends, better grades, not have this illness, wouldn't have had sex so early, wouldn't be addicted to (fill in the blank), would keep his room cleaner, would love herself more, would be healthier, happier, more successful, richer...NOT SO FREAKING SCREWED UP.

That's a heavy burden.

We lose before we start because everyone has problems, but we somehow think we can - or should - protect our children from them. That somehow, if we do a good enough job, get it just right, then ours won't. So, when, OF COURSE, they do have problems we are so taken aback. So surprised. And left feeling so inept.

I've been feeling inept lately. So lost and incapable. So bewildered and alone. A failure.

But...I'm also learning that what I've told my friends when they're feeling lost as a parent, is also true for me. That a good parent isn't someone who has all of the answers for our children when they struggle. It's someone who's willing to look until he or she finds them. Someone who helps their children navigate and discover and learn - so they can face their life - no matter what it brings.

Someone who loves them unconditionally - even when they have problems.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I'm 47 and Didn't Know I Could Shriek Like That

Discovering a big bug with a lot of legs during your morning shower - but halfway through your shower - you know, when you're right in the middle of shampooing your hair...let's just say that I'm glad that Fatso was the only one there to witness what happened next.

He has lost all respect for me.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


It's the topic of nearly every song ever written. Every poem ever recited. Every movie ever committed to the reel. Every novel ever published.

I've been thinking a lot about love lately. Lots and lots of thoughts swirling about my head. I see a movie and the two lovers overcome great odds and still find their way to each other. I read a book and a pair of unlikely people end up together in the end. I listen to songs and wonder at how a whole love story can be written in a four minute set of lyrics.

I look in my own life and the lives of the people around me and I have inevitably come to one conclusion: love is a complete and total, unequivocal, without a doubt, absolutely unavoidable, big fucking pain in the ass.