Friday, September 26, 2008

Sometimes "Gosh Darn-it" Just Doesn't Cut It

In less than 36 hours I leave for my trip. The tension is building. I had hoped the excitement would be building at a higher rate of speed as well at this point but...I've been a little preoccupied with oh, I don't know...SO MUCH BULLSHIT THAT I CAN'T EVEN FOCUS ON WHICH FOOT TO PUT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER!!!

Ahem, sorry. The curse words are just flying out all over the place.

Speaking of cursing, I have this theory about human vocalization during the tough times in life. I've come to believe that it is fully appropriate, when you're handed one crapass situation after another, to end every sentence with the word "dammit".

Now, I realize that this may offend a lot of people but I guess I don't really care. I don't go around in daily conversation with others yelling "DAMMIT!" all of the time. I don't do it in front of children. And I feel strongly that unless you've been through any of what I've been through no one really has the right to judge what comes out of my mouth or when it comes out of my mouth or why. And there's really no denying it - sometimes it just feels so right. So therapeutic. So good.

Go ahead, try it. I'll get you started to show you how it's done: The water company showed up at my house yesterday to tell me that we are experiencing an unusually high usage rate, dammit. So much so that they felt that it was urgent to send someone in person to make sure there wasn't a geyser spouting up through the roof that we hadn't noticed, dammit. Instead of the usual average of 4000 gallons a month, we have used NINETY-ONE THOUSAND gallons in the last thirty days, dammit. We can't find the leak, dammit. We have to PAY someone to come out and find it AND where the hell all of those thousands of gallons of water went, dammit. In the meantime, we've had to turn off the water in the whole house, dammit. That means that no laundry can get done for my trip, dammit. I have to take dirty clothes on my RELAXING trip to the beach and do my frickin' laundry there, dammit.

This morning, Emma woke up with a 102 temperature and a pretty gnarly vomiting episode, dammit. And guess what? WE CAN'T FLUSH THE TOILET DAMMIT!!

Oh! And then! THEN!! Because of the ridiculous complete-lack-of-foresight-on-the-part-of-the-brilliant-Georgia-government-officials, it's nearly impossible to find gas for the car, dammit. That's right, most gas stations are completely out and when one does finally get a delivery, the lines can be miles long and they run out rather quickly, dammit. I have a seven hour drive on Saturday, dammit. What am I going to DO dammit?!

See how well that works?


1 comment:

Melissa said...

I was passing through from a friend's blog. LOVE IT!

This made me laugh at loud. Not at your situation, but the use of dammit. I grew up where some form of cuss word was in every sentence. I think I picked up on that same habit. Not too funny when your 4 year old says "dammit" in the correct way.

I hope you are having a fabulous vacation!