Thursday, September 12, 2013

It was 91 degrees in Georgia today. We had a 40 minute drive this afternoon during the highest heat of the day – IN A BLACK CAR WITH NO AIR CONDITIONING. (Don’t even get me started.) We stopped by Publix to get something for dinner. Greg drops me off because I’m cranky with sweat. I go inside and am grateful for the cool air. I thought about going to the freezer section to sit myself in with the frozen corn dogs. Refrained. I stood there behaving myself waiting for Greg and Emma to come inside but only Greg showed up…

Me: Where’s Emma?
Greg: Out in the car.

Me: WHY?? It’s too hot!

Greg: I have no idea. That’s what I told her but she didn’t want to come in.

Me: (thinking) WHATEVER. Crazy kid…

We finish up our shopping and head out to the car. (Greg had found a good spot after he dropped me off! Right by the door. He’s good at finding prime parking.) I get to the car and there is Emma: wilted, sweating, forlorn with the hardship of baking in what was essentially a really big oven for the previous 15 minutes.

Me: Emma, why didn’t you come in? It’s too freaking hot out here!

Emma: (Long, deep sigh…)Because I didn’t want to walk.

Me: What are you talking about??

Emma: I didn’t want to walk from the car to the store.

Me: You didn't leave the sweltering car to travel the 15 feet to the cool store because you didn't want to walk?

Emma: Yeah, I just didn't feel like it.

Me: That's what's called CRAZY LAZY, Emma.
Emma: Ugh, MOM!

(She deserved to bake.)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Right here. This is the moment. The moment when our innocence ended.

When we knew.

Knew that this wasn't an accident, but intentional.

And that thousands would die. Innocent people just doing their jobs.

It's when we knew that nothing would ever be the same again and that life is largely out of our control.

I am praying today. Praying for those left behind without their loved ones. Praying for our country. Praying for my daughter and the world she's growing up in.

Praying that someday our hearts will be mended.