Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 - I Seem To Annoy People

I've noticed lately that I really seem to annoy people. I can't really figure out what about me is so annoying, but apparently it's out there because people keep deep sighing around me. I try not to take it all personally. People have so much going on in their personal lives that I'm barely more than a tiny little gnat in their lives. But I'm still that gnat. You know, the one buzzing around your head and you can't swat it or catch it or kill it EVEN THOUGH YOU WANT TO SO BADLY. That's me apparently. Or at least that's how I feel. It's a rotten feeling. And since I haven't been able to figure it out all of these years I tend to become reclusive. Withdrawn and hesitant about interacting with others.

I was talking to a friend about all of this one time and he said, "Maybe it's not you. Maybe you just need better friends."

Huh, I thought. LIGHT BULB MOMENT.

I'm working on it. It's hard, but I'm working on it. I want friends. I want kind friends. Friends that are funny. Friends that are in this life thing with me for the long haul.

New year, new friends? I sure hope so.

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