Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 - Driving

I went into work the other day. I work at a school. Of course all of the parking lots were empty because the school is closed for the holiday break, so I seized the opportunity to get Emma behind the wheel!

If you have children you know what a shock this is to a parent's system - teaching their kids how to drive. This routine of "I remember when she was in diapers! She shouldn't be driving!" feeling is not a new thing. It's as old as automobiles, I suppose. But it's still a shock. She's only been on the earth for fourteen-and-a-half years and in a few months she'll be able to get her learner's permit. It's insanity really. Seems that 25 would be a more logical age to put someone in charge of a two-ton room on wheels.

But away we went and you know what? She did GREAT!! I was pleasantly surprised and really relieved that she seems to have a natural ability to understand how to tune her body into the way the car moves and breathes. There were a few lurches and bumps but she quickly got the hang of it.

Next, she'll be wanting to do donuts.

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