Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14 - Pet Peeves and a Virtual Cocktail Party

I may, from time to time, discuss my pet peeves on here in hopes that a minor rant about them will ease my intense reactions to them.

Pet Peeve #1, 2011 - People who use Facebook as a platform for their political views. Don't get me wrong, I'm not denying their right to do this, I'm just saying how unbelievably annoying it is. Especially when it's the same people over and over again spewing the same bull crap. Half the time I think it's just to get a rise out of people to spark a political debate because they're so bored with their own lives. And I must say, I'm finding that I'm equally annoyed with people that do this who are spewing things I completely agree with politically! To me, it's the equivalent of people bringing this crap up at a party. It's rude and annoying and a real buzz kill.

Hmmm...those last two sentences are kind of interesting as they just came falling out of my rambling, ranting thoughts, through my fingertips and onto the keyboard. It's kind of true, isn't it? That Facebook is kind of like a cocktail party? Albeit one you can wear your pajamas to, but still, the same principles apply. We show up, never knowing who all is going to be there, and exchange small talk and share tidbits of ourselves through witty banter. We mingle. Share photos of our kids. Update those we haven't seen in a while. Make an appearance. Then we leave until the next soiree. I wonder if someday in-person cocktail parties will be obsolete?

ANYWAY, I got sidetracked there...if you're reading this and enjoy heated political debates on Facebook. Please reconsider. It's annoying.

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