Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day Twenty-Two - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

This past Friday morning a group of women arrived in a condo across the courtyard and they were really loud. There seemed to be about five of them and they looked to be in their thirties or forties. As the day wore on their rambunctiousness escalated as they talked and laughed and screamed and danced and even threw in a sorority cheer or two. It was clear that some (a lot of!) alcohol was involved.

What was most fascinating about them was that their high energy shenanigans were sustained at that level for nearly 48 hours straight. When I went to bed at 11 pm Friday night it was still going strong. They then woke me up at 1 am, 3 am and again at 7 am. It continued all of Saturday too. I went out with a friend around 1:30 and when we returned at 10:00 there they were, still going strong. As we watched them, we suddenly see their balcony light up from below and the security guard was telling them to quiet it down. They mumbled something and went inside for a little while and then came back out to continue on a little while later. Finally, around midnight after one of them threw-up over the balcony, they staggered inside and turned out all of the lights. Time for some sleep finally. The sleep seems to have done them good as they're out there right now, as I write this at 9 am, back to their loud banter.

Obviously this was a much anticipated girls weekend away and they were going to make the most of it. Why waste this precious time away from their regular lives with something as mundane as sleep? I can almost see the e-mail conversations flying back and forth between them all in the past few weeks before their arrival agreeing that they would sleep as little as possible and who's going to bring the blender and margarita mix? I don't begrudge them any of it honestly because I understand it. I understand that need to just let loose and have some fun. To be a hint of their former selves for a few days - before husbands, kids, mortgages and min-vans came along. Who can blame them?

Although none of it was as raucous as this group of women, I've had a few visits from friends while I've been here and it's been so much fun to catch up and just be together. My friend T flew in and spent the weekend with me a few weeks ago. We ate and talked (and talked and talked) and went shopping and to the beach....

Isn't she pretty?

I've know her since 6th grade and it's so precious to me that we're still friends and can have so much fun together.

My friend, Bev, came to visit yesterday and there's a long, interesting history with her. She was with my sister, Joanne, when she had the accident and we'll always share that connection. It's a profound thing that's hard to understand or explain. Oh! And she also dated Greg before I met him back in college! Hahaha!!!

She's pretty too - the picture quality just sucks!

Listening to those party ladies across the courtyard all weekend and spending time with some dear old (in length of time - not age!) friends just makes it all the clearer to me that I miss having girlfriends around me. The kind that I can unload all the stuff in my head to. The kind where my side hurts at the end of the evening from laughing so hard. The kind that won't walk away when the going gets tough. The kind that are in it with me for life. The kind that I am there for as well. The kind that I can believe in...

I had so many friends in high school and college, but over the years life got busier and busier for all of us and things - relationships - fell by the wayside. And, as much as I hate to admit this, some friendships ended out of pure rejection or abandonment of the relationship for whatever reason. It's always been so mysterious to me - and sad. But the good news is that it's a problem that can be completely remedied with a little conscious effort and commitment. I hope to reach out to both old friends and new acquaintances when I return home in the hopes of making my life that much more fulfilling and richer. Not sure how to find a way to trust people again but I'm ready to try and that's the most I can ask for right now right? It's step one...

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