Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day Six - The Nicest Psychiatric Hospital I've Ever Seen

I'm starting to get the feeling that the complex I'm staying at is where they send all of the loony Floridians. It seems to be the Bellevue of North Florida. Why, you ask? Well, there is, of course, Weird Sitting Guy. He was at it again last night. Just sitting there hour after hour. Doesn't his back hurt after a while? I was telling my sister about it and she said it sounds like an Edward Hopper painting...

Man Seated on a Bed c.1905 - 1906

And this is me...

Then, as I went to the beach for my walk this morning I saw an older lady taking a power walk along the waterline. You know the kind of old lady power walker I'm talking about - elbows bent, color-coordinated visor on, intense expression, brisk pace. Suddenly she just stopped in her tracks and started doing this bizarre dance. It looked like a version of the twist but she was doing it while she simultaneously went in backwards circles. So strange. It's like she suddenly had a mental breakdown right there on the beach. I watched her as much as I could without being too obvious for about five minutes and then proceeded with my walk. When I looked back a minute later to see what she was doing, sure enough, she was headed for the boardwalk leading to our complex. Crap! I thought. Another loon in such close proximity! I mean, I kinda admired how uninhibited she was, but for heaven's sake, save it for the dance floor.

Then, this afternoon, I was tackling the photograph project and making good headway when I heard this loud buzzing going on nearby. I thought that maybe it was just the contractors working on a condo across the courtyard but it seemed too loud for that. I looked out the window and the old man in the unit right next door to mine was vacuuming. His balcony. He was vacuuming his balcony. Concrete. He was vacuuming concrete. He vacuumed his concrete balcony for an hour. A whole hour.

I mean really. It's all so very Bellevue by the Sea.

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