Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day Twenty - Footsteps

I hate pictures of myself. I have this weird double chin and big ears and I'm pretty unattractive when I squint - and I seem to always be squinting because I'm really sensitive to sunlight. Makes me sound like a nocturnal troll or something, doesn't it?

I took some pictures of myself as I moved through my day today though.

Here's me on the little boardwalk to the beach...

Here's me on the beach...

Here's me in the water...

Here's me lounging by the poolside...

Here's me on taking it all in on my balcony...

This is my shadow. It made me laugh out loud because I have freakishly long legs and this shows it in such a funny exaggerated way.

I'm really enjoying it here. It's going to be hard to have it all end next weekend.

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