Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Hard Conversations

The hard conversations.

Man, they suck.

I had one today and now I have the, I've-bawled-my-eyes-out-so-now-my-sinuses-are-killing-me headache to prove it.

Marriage is a bitch. I said the tough stuff that a nice person (like me) tries their very best not to say. But they had to be said because they're the truth and not saying them for so long was becoming a big part of the problem. Although, having said that, I'm not sure saying them solved anything. Maybe a baby step in that direction though. I have no idea.

I've been thinking about marriage. I don't know ANYONE who is happily married. No one. It's like we're all destined to be miserable through our whole 30s and 40s. Of course, I can't help but hope that our 50s will be better - fingers crossed, clinging to hope, oh my god, I will just gouge my eyes out if they aren't - better.

I'm exhausted. Tapped out. Empty tank.

Tomorrow's another day though, and there's always hope in that.

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