Monday, December 29, 2008

So Very Scary....(I'm really not that slutty)

The following is an actual e-mail conversation I recently had with my friend T. It all started when she sent me a photo she found on Facebook. (which I won't show here but it was of a big fat dude with graying hair) Note: The names of some people have been changed to protect their privacy. (And also to protect my ass!)

T: Do you know who this is?
Hint: you made out with him years ago. ( I know that does not narrow things down much!!!)

R: What the...?! I have no idea! I made out with him? Tell me! Tell me!

A hint : he had dark hair and glasses then!

R: That can't be John Barrett! Did he wear glasses? Who else had glasses? It's so scary to me that I can't pinpoint it. Is he from N. High School? I'm such a slut...

T: I'm really torturing you...aren't I? Yes! N. High School. Not when we were there though.....

R: David Russell? He didn't wear glasses did he? I will be stunned if that's who it is! I can't think of who else I made out with that was older (or younger).

T: Brother of someone special.....

R: Jennie's brother? No freaking way!

T: Nope... someone who was a bit heavy then....This is fun...I never knew you made out with Jennie's brother - you slut!

R: A bit heavy! Hmmm...I didn't really go for the pudgy fellas. You sure it was ME that made out with him? I can't think of who it is at all.
PS - Yeah, me and Jennie's brother. I don't know what it is with me my friend's brothers. I promise that I never got it on with Scott or Bobby. {T's brothers}

T: Thank goodness...well we know it wouldn't be Bobby.....we annoyed the hell out of him! Anyway,the someone special was someone special to ME in high school. Now you will get it!!!!

R: I thought about that. Mike Mitchell {T's ex-boyfriend} didn't have a brother did he? You didn't really have any other special someones back then did you? Who was that guy from that local college you dated?

T: It must be early Alzheimer's "Mike Mitchell didn't have a brother did he?" An older brother, who delivered the mail perhaps.....I think you are trying to forget!!!!
Here's my final hint: I guess Donna was right about you...

R: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I just tried to call you....The only thing that finally tipped me off was the mention of Donna. I remember how she was kinda big, had a lot of blondish hair and hated me. I didn't remember that Mike Mitchell had a brother, I don't remember the dude's name (even now), I don't remember him being a mailman, I don't remember one detail of how it all happened. Do YOU? When did we make-out? Where? Was he any good? Was it more than once? Ewwwww!!!

I am such a hussy...

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