Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another Year Goes By...

Time passing is a big (HUGE! actually) issue for me. It's hard to explain to people without sounding a little crazy. I suppose it is kind of crazy - born of a crazy set of circumstances. But it's a topic too big for my hangover to take on right now so it'll be a subject matter for a future post. Right now, I will just list a few of my goals for 2009. I hope to reach 2010 a better person than the one that rang in 2009. She ain't bad but...there's always - ALWAYS - room for improvement....

Goals For the Year 2009

Swear less. (dammit)

Become gainfully employed and ease my family's money woes.

Let go, once and for all, of a lost friendship that still hurts my heart (it's hard to accept that this person doesn't give one wit about me anymore and I need to find a way to move on for good).

Spend more time with my growing daughter to stay connected for the turbulent years to come.

Take a class - yoga? pilates? creative writing? swing dance? I dunno yet...

Meet a transvestite.

Hopefully travel more.

Plan my next adventure.

Use fewer exclamation points - excitement is good but I think I'll try to actually have more of it in life than just in my writing about life. (Thus the desire to meet a transvestite - wouldn't that be a hoot?)

Take better care of my house.

Have a grown-up party.

Take on a new fashion that I'm normally too shy to attempt.

Find grace.

Give grace.

Create more.

Pray more.

Write more.

Laugh more.

Love more...always try to love more....

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