Wednesday, December 24, 2008

So Much Going On Lately

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Good things and bad. It all started when Emma asked if she could have a Christmas party. "Sure!" I said. Then she asked if we could have it the evening of the last day of school before the holiday break. "Sure!" I said. Then she asked if she could invite 11 girls. "Sure!" I said. But as the time got closer and closer and things kept piling up on my schedule, all I could think was, "FOOL!"

The party went off without a hitch though and was so much fun! I had no idea middle school girls were so LOUD. The screaming. Oh the high pitched screaming that went on. What a hoot. They decorated cookies, danced, listened to music, played Wii and Twister, and then did the ornament game. It was kinda scary at one point though because as I stood at the bottom of the stairs and listened to them being nuts up in Emma's room I thought, I can totally picture this same group of girls playing quarters in a few years. Hoo-boy it should be interesting...

Sadly, while all of that party planning was going on, I got a call from my friend, Lynne. Her father died rather suddenly. He had pancreatic cancer and had a successful surgery but succumbed to a secondary infection he got in the hospital. It seems so cruel to survive that tough procedure only lose his life to something secondary feels so tragic.

His funeral was the day after the party in North Carolina six hours away so we got up at 4:30 that morning and were able to spend the day with Lynne and her family. It was great to see them even if the circumstances were so tough. His name was George and he was a dear friend. He was one of my college professors and was good to my family in our times of need over the years. I will miss you George. And I'm so sorry Lynne.

Last week was also finals week for Emma. This year has been tough academically but Emma pulled it off. Two high school level classes and she got straight A's across the board again. What a kid!

My brother and sister flew in yesterday and are staying here. Our family has dwindled in numbers over the years so it's not the same raucous affair of the past but I am so very thankful that they are here on this earth still and part of our holiday. I love them dearly.

It is now Christmas Eve and I'm thinking about all of these things and feeling so many different emotions. It's been quite a year. I feel sad for lost family. Sad for lost friendships. Worried about our personal financial situation and the whole country's situation for that matter. Proud of my daughter. Proud of myself. Love for my family. Love for those that have seen the best in me even when I couldn't see it in myself. Happy that I had an adventure of my own this year and hoping to have another one someday. Curious about the coming year and hoping that it's better for everyone. I think 2008 has worn us all plum out, as they say here in the south.

Merry Christmas and God bless!

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