Friday, November 7, 2008

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah...

I don't know about you but I've had people in my life that drive me crazy but I often can't seem to pinpoint what it is about them that makes me batty. Then one day they say something or do something that makes it all crystal clear to me - explains what it is in a nutshell. And all you have to do is tell someone else that story and they go, "Oooooohhhh...." and immediately understand what I'm trying to explain about the person and why they drive me nuts.

Well, that happened to me last night with Sarh Palin. The woman just cannot catch a break. I saw her on CBS Evening News. She was in a hotel lobby somewhere and was mobbed by reporters. One asked her about whether or not she was thinking about running in 2012. She waved her hand dismissively and replied: "Twenty-twelve? That sounds like years away."

'Nuff said.

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