Sunday, June 7, 2009

Many Adventures To Come? Who Knows!

It's been a while! I'm one of those bloggers that drive me crazy - long periods of time between posts - and it's annoying. Things have been so busy. Emma finished her 7th grade year with straight A's (and a teacher's excellence award!). We went to Pennsylvania for Greg's dad's funeral (finally! don't get me started.). And then on to DC for five days to see the sights. The DC trip was a lot of fun and it was great to see so many of the things that Emma studied in history this past year. Emma started her summer swim team practices and has two weekend retreats coming up as well as...yup, it's time that I admit it publicly -- BAND CAMP!! She's decided to try color guard this fall and I'm hoping she has fun with it. It's always fun to try something new.

Speaking of which, I feel a deep, deep need to try something new and find some future direction in my life, but I'm not sure how. I am thinking of taking an art class and finally get off my butt and pursue my art work.

We toy with the idea of leaving Georgia nearly weekly now. I'm not sure how much longer we can stand it here and are praying for direction. I want to sell everything we own and just hit the road and travel for a year but that hardly seems practical.

I hate having to be practical.

That's about it for now. Lots of thought and stories to babble about but I gotta go. More later.

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