Sunday, June 21, 2009

Can You Say Codependent?

Is anyone else as STRESSED OUT as I am about John and Kate Gosselin? I mean, stomach starts to hurt every time I see a commercial or magazine cover about them. Can't those two kids just find a way to get along? I keep vowing that I will not watch the show anymore because I'm on the "I will not contribute the demise of this family by supporting the airing of their pain and suffering" bandwagon, but I gotta tell ya, it's hard not to watch. I can't not look at it. I'm in knots about the BIG Announcement tomorrow night. And we have what? Like 36 more episodes to go this season? What the hell are they going to fill all of those half-hour times slots with? Jon looking for an apartment? His first lay after Kate? (Or did that already happen?) Kate's ceremoniously taking off her wedding ring? The kids deciding how they want to decorate their "other room" at Daddy's house?

It's horrible! Just so very icky. I sure hope that the money they're raking in is still worth it to them in the end. They'll need it for all the therapy bills they're going to have.

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