Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Artist Within?

I'm starting a twelve week course that I think will be an interesting experiment. It's about trying to find the inner, hidden artist in yourself. Sounds so granola doesn't it? Even to me - the one writing it. Gag. (Ever choked on a mouthful of granola?) But it's actually not that new age at all. I think it will help me skim off all of the junk in my brain so I can get to the good stuff. The creative stuff.

I need to get there. I need creativity in my life again. I'm embarrassed to admit that I've become a bit of a sad cliche in life. You know - wife, mother, gave-up-a-lot-of-my-own-dreams, don't-have-a-career-anymore, I'm-so-tired, I'm-so-bored CLI-CHE.

I know, I know, it sounds pathetic. But! it's really only pathetic if you stay in that place and I have no intention of doing that.

Which is why I'm so scared. So. damn. scared. But, see, I'm not just scared anymore. I'm excited! Excited to admit all of these things to myself and to be doing something about it. It's part of the adventure I talked about in my last post....I'm going away soon. For a month. I'm going to the beach for a month. By myself.


More to come...

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