Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My 25 Things

This thing is going around the internet, primarily on Facebook I believe, where you tell 25 things about yourself. It seemed a bit self-indulgent to me but I did it anyway, tagged a bunch of people on it (tagging on Facebook is when you alert other people of your choosing on Facebook of a "note" or new photo you've just posted on your page), and then deleted it a few hours later because the anxiety of being that exposed to that many people nearly sent me over the edge. Total TMI situation.

THEN I reposted it again but didn't tag anyone on it and I felt much better about that scenario. Yes, I'm a total freak. Especially when you consider that very few people have any interest at all WHATSOEVER in learning anything more about me. I'm clearly not that interesting.

But this is my blog and I'll be a self-indulgent egomaniac if I want to. So here are my 25 things:

1. I am from rural Ohio.
2. My grandfather is a founding member of Alcoholics Anonymous.
3. I love movies. LOVE them.
4. I'm the youngest of seven children.
5. I've lost three siblings and my mother and it has had a profound effect on me.
6. I still miss them every single day.
7. Emma is an amazing person in so many ways and I'm afraid that most people will never see her - really see her - because she is so shy.
8. There is no way to overstate how important laughter is to me.
9. I have a blog that very few people that know me have seen.
10. If I won the lottery the first thing that I would do is travel the world. I know I'm supposed to say that I would feed hungry children or something, but I would travel and love every minute of it. THEN I'd feed hungry children. (I promise)
11. My dream job is to be a writer.
12. Emma was a surprise. One that I was not at all sure I wanted. I'm glad I was so wrong. She has allowed me to experience love in its purest form.
13. I went away this past October for a month simply because I could and because I desperately needed to get away. I think a lot of people think I went to rehab. I did not. I went to a beach house in St. Augustine and it was an adventure that I will never, ever forget and that I will always be grateful for.
14. I think that there are two things seriously lacking in the world - kindness and people extending each other grace. I'm still a work in progress on both.
15. I love Crunch Berries cereal and Hostess Ho Hos.
16. I really want to meet a transvestite. I think to know one would be really funny and shake up the sometimes boring suburban life that I live.
17. I hope to move to New York City one day. (Maybe I'll meet a transvestite.)
18. I watch two MTV reality shows. (Please don't judge me - I also watch many documentaries, classics and other "deep" and "meaningful" programming.)
19. I think Greg is a good man.
20. Two of my best friends are from my childhood and I'm so privileged to still have them in my life.
21. I'm fascinated by true crime stories. Sometimes it concerns me a little bit.
22. I love every single color that exists. I wouldn't wear them all, but I love them for their mere existence and contribution.
23. I broke my foot twice in an 18-month time period. It's embarrassing.
24. I know I watch entirely too much television but I remain completely unapologetic about it.
25. Even though I struggle with the whole subject matter, I still always want God in my life.

And I should have added a 26th item - I'm a FIERCE baker!

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