Monday, February 2, 2009

Facebook is Freaking Fantastic!

I finally crawled out of that rock I was under and joined the world of Facebook. And I gotta tell ya, I've seen the light of day, and it's FANTASTIC! What an absolute hoot it is. There was this whole world of "friends" and "cupcakes" and "poking" and "walls" out there buzz, buzz, buzzing along every day without my knowledge and I'm glad I joined this new (to me) land of the living.

In the week or so since I've joined, I've made contact with old friends from high school and college, old boyfriends, teachers, my high school prom date and even people right here in my neighborhood that I haven't visited with in a while. It clearly expands your world by opening you up to your new and long lost friends and, in turn, their friends as it is a continuous thread of interconnections. Once someone is on your "Friends" list, all of your other friends and all of their other friends are connected. (In what seems to be a somewhat safe and limited way so it doesn't get creepy.)

On a higher level it also seems to have a redemptive value to it. Before this kind of technology came along relationships would end through a break-up, a move, simply fading away, growing in different directions...and people were always left to wonder, "What if?" or "I wonder how he (she) is doing?" or "Whatever happened to her (him)?" or "I wonder if he (she) still hates me?"

Whether the relationship ended badly or just simply ended, there's something so amazing about being able to interact with these people again when some time has passed and old baggage has disappeared. Whatever may have felt threatening or confusing or weird or hurtful back then, is now something that just feels fun and nice and rather sweet today.

How incredible that the days of never knowing that kind of redemption are over. It makes me wonder about the future and what other gifts of technology will pop up that make our lives more fun and easier and healing. I can't wait!

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