Thursday, February 14, 2008

I Can't Believe It

Me...blogging...on my own blog...ME! I just can't believe it.

I know that this may not seem like such a big deal to most people, but for me, it is. I try not to be a lame-ass but it's unavoidable sometimes and setting up a blog seemed overwhelming and intimidating. Those voices in my head ---- stammering, stuttering, slightly whining about, "How hard it's going to be! (wah)But, I don't know HOW! (wah) and "What if it s-ucks? (wah)"

It's amazing what a broken foot will do for your motivation though. The boredom of being laid-up for almost two weeks now has led to me having wonderful, colorful, even vivid fantasies about how great it would be to do some laundry and clean the kitchen and, oh, I don't know...SCRUB THE TOILET. Remember when you could do those things Rachel? Good times.

But such lofty goals will have to wait. So, I've settled for surfing the web for hours on end, watching a lot of movies, reading a lot of books, e-mailing a lot of people (that are, frankly, rather marginal in my life) in the hopes of having some meaningful conversations, and doing some editorial work for actual pay. But, as much fun as this little hiatus has been - I've exhausted the charm of all of those things, so it's time to finally start the blog I've thought about for a long time now.

I hope that when you read it, you will feel welcomed and see it as an escape from your own life for a few minutes. That's what good blogs do for me (and I hope this ends up being a good blog) - they take me to Los Angeles, Utah, New York City, Denver, London, Paris...and, most importantly, into the minds and lives of some interesting people out there in the world that I never would have "met" otherwise.

So, welcome! And away we go...


Anonymous said...

Rachel, we are so proud of you for stepping out on the ledge and jumping! We know your talented words and insights will be valuable to many people. We love you.
Your Family.
Hi YOu rock I love you I love you
Your daughter

1A said...

Welcome to Blogland!

Anonymous said...

I heard your life has gotten more interesting lately. Cats? Nervous cats? What is that about or are we now living in subjection to a lesser speciies?